7 Day Detox for Superior Health and Happiness
Do You Want to Change Your Life In 7 Days…
Sleep Better, Boost Energy, Burn Fat, and Have Sharper Focus!
This Cleanse will Re-Balance Your Body, Mind, and Spirit with Healing Foods, Movement, Affirmations, Emotional Thoughts and Meditation
There are SO many Detox programs available these days
I am frequently asked …
What’s the deal with detoxes? Do they really work? Do I really need to do one? How are they different?
There are detox programs: for the liver, for the kidneys, for the colon, food elimination, gallbladder flush, parasite detox, and more…
The problem with the piecemeal approach is the same problem I have with the medical approaches to health, in general: no organ works alone. While the liver is a separate organ from the colon and has unique functions, they are all closely linked and are part of a larger system. If you cleanse the liver, you naturally may have intestinal purification as well. In fact, when the liver dumps toxins, they are received into the colon.
After years of reading and researching, and trying a number of cleanse programs, I found that you need a comprehensive program to detox and supply your body with nourishing foods, thoughts, movement and mediation.
There is an effective way to free yourself of chronic aches and pains, feel healthier, and be more energetic. By detoxing, it allows your body to naturally cleanse itself. Most people don’t understand just how much a person’s waste can say about their health.
When your body is contaminated with man-made toxins, your body tends to compartmentalize them. Eventually, those body compartments will reach a certain threshold of toxicity, at which point your immune system can no longer control the microbial growth in that area.
The 7 Day Detox for Superior Health and Happiness can help you feel better, lighter, and more energetic-without all the “excess weight” dragging your system down.
And here’s something you might not know about detoxing…
It can help clear and reset your mind and emotional health too!
Probably you’ve heard that a detox can help you reduce bloating, so your clothes fit better…
…and your metabolism will be faster, and more efficient
…and clean toxins out of your organs, including relieving brain fog…
And Yes! All of this can happen when you detox…
You may be feeling a little skeptical about detoxing, and maybe a little vulnerable, but here’s my promise to you:
This detox is different because the approach is totally different from other detoxes.
It’s based on everything I’ve learned by studying about nutrition, to completely cleanse and re-balance not just your entire physical body, but your mind and emotions too.
“Respect and Honor Your Temple-and It Will Honor You” ~ Supa Nova Slom
For this reason, it gives your “mind-body-spirit” a clean, fresh start.
- Toxins that have been stored in your cells, tissues, and organs, for years…
- Waste stuck in the “nooks and crannies” of your body…
- Fat, as a protection from toxins, your body makes fat and cellulite to protect your cells…
- Foggy Brain, confusion and forgetfulness…
- Emotional Stress from your past and present, especially from the “stories” you tell yourself…
- Can Not Lose Weight, while you work out like crazy, beat yourself up, but still can’t see the results you want…
Now I know this that detox might get hard for you at times…
Since you will be eating lighter to give your system a much-needed break…and it will be energizing nutrient-dense detoxifying foods your body will be able to clear toxic waste from every organ and cell in your body.
The reality is…the more toxic you are, the more you need this detox, and the more life-changing your results will be. But if you’re still not quite sure…
One question will clearly tell you if YOU need a detox:
Do you live on planet earth?
The Center for Disease Control published a report in 2015 that makes it clear that every human on the planet carries a chemical burden in their system. The Presidents Cancer Panel even stated, “To a disturbing extent, babies are born “pre-polluted”. As the suspected and proven health risks tied to industrial chemicals rise, chemical companies put their money where it matters, not on the safety testing or research to develop non-toxic products, but on lobbying to keep their toxic products in widespread use.
Chemicals can be found in dust, vapor, gas, fumes, mists, liquids and solids. There are chemicals in the water we drink and many of the foods we eat. We bathe in chemicals and rub them on our skin. They are all around us and we usually haven’t been warned what they are.
Roughly 13,000 chemicals are used in cosmetics, of which only 10 percent have been evaluated for safety. It is thought that 1 in 5 cancers may be caused by exposure to environmental chemicals.
Eventually the buildup from being exposed to harmful substances and putting non-healthy food into your system day after day, causes more and more toxification – which then affects your body, mind, and emotions.
“If you don’t take care of this the most magnificent machine that you will ever be given…where are you going to live?” ~ Karyn Calabrese
Hi, I’m Shirley Noah, and I created this detox just for YOU…
I am Shirley Noah, founder of InGoodHealthCoach,. I am passionate about helping you to become more empowered with simple natural healthy habits that You can implement TODAY! I love to share insights, empower women and their families to feel and live the best life through plant-based, whole-food nutrition, essential oils, healing herbs, easy-to-follow habits, and remedies. I am thrilled to be on this wellness journey with you!
I believe that We-not just the doctor or dentist-have the responsibility of investigating the best tools to achieve and maintain our own health. We are the ones having to live with the results of our choices. It is my hope to make the learning process easier for you by condensing many foundational truths.
I do not recommend that you should stop taking your medications without the consent of your doctor. I am simply teaching you to how to become healthier and to seek the root cause of your problem.
There are a few basic principles and laws of nature that explain why we have disease and suffering. In my research, I have made some amazing discoveries about my own health issues that have changed my life. I know it could make a difference to your too!
One part of being an online educator about food and wellness has become obvious to me…I have learned to make better choices and it is somewhat a simple process. I have learned to eat delicious food and keep a lifestyle that is line with the laws of nature. As a culture we have a lot of limiting beliefs. Investigating the truths will open new options for your health. If you have ever heard the words you can’t, you’ll never, or you won’t stop and think. Always remember that nothing is impossible.
My life has not always been perfect. My passion for health began when I had several of my own health challenges. After a trip to the eye doctor, I learned I had episcleritis, an inflammatory eye disease. After doing research I discovered this condition can be associated with inflammatory arthritis.
I believe my episcleritis was brought on by chronic stress I experienced. Trauma and stress are just part of life. Not surprisingly, there is a link between stress and disease.
I needed to work on my own emotional well-being, not only in the short term but also in the long term. I began focusing on my diet and taking specific nutritional supplements and to pay attention to my mental health and stress management.
Recovery was not quick and easy. But working through it, help me to break the vicious cycle of inflammation permanently by a journey of self-discovery, self-care, and healing. It has been a lifetime journey and I would like to share my findings with you. I want to help you avoid pain and suffering and spending massive amount of money trying to manage your illnesses at pharmacy counters or in the operating rooms.
One of the major changes I have made was to learn as much as I can about our body and mind connection and the negative effect it has on your health, both mental and physical!!! What I have discovered is amazing!
Want Lasting Change, Your MIND Is the Key …
As I kept taking steps to change my own difficult situations, I discovered how much the mind plays a role in health and wellness. Especially in the ability to initiate radical self-love, which is when the biggest life changes happen.
Luckily during a hard period of my life, I discovered how the mind, body, and emotional healing philosophy transforms your body. But not through punishment, but through healing foods, healing movement, and a healing mindset.
I decided to develop an awesome life-transforming detox, including mindset and affirmations that have influenced the minds and bodies of many men and women all over.
For Instance…
The #1 struggle my clients have is dealing with cravings. Maybe you can relate… You can eat healthy all day, or even all week, but then feel the need to binge on your favorite junk food or dessert and consume a ton of carbs.
I determined to develop a detox for the person who had many of the same fear-based, mindset struggles that I did, and the same emotional eating issues …
I want this detox to do more than just help you look and feel better in your body. I want to help you step into healing self-love for real, lasting success.
Plus, I want to make sure you know the risks of NOT detoxing your body – because they can have serious consequences, which I’ll cover in a minute.
The absolute BEST way I’ve found to heal and gently rebalance the mind-body-spirit, is with:
Healing foods…
Healing movements…
Positive affirmations…
Clearing out emotional clutter…
And healing meditations!
“Because we cannot scrub our inner body, we need to learn a few skills to help cleanse our tissues, organs, and mind. This is the art of Ayurveda.” ~ Sebastian Pole
Let’s start with the power of healing foods…
Real Healing Foods Renew Your Emotions AND Your Body
Nothing is more powerful than healing foods… especially when you eat the most energizing superfoods on the planet!
Specific superfoods have the power to change your life at a cellular level – body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Now here’s what’s unexpected but so necessary for a TRUE 7 Day Detox for Superior Health and Happiness…
Healthy plant-based foods heal your emotions too… and they communicate with your cells.
Certain healing foods are going to have a different effect on your emotions. During this detox you can expect to feel a lot of your emotional turmoil getting cleared out too.
And since this happens at the cellular level, the healing is long-lasting. Not only will the healing foods on this detox clean out and re-balance your body…
When you remove the toxic barriers, communication to your organs improve, and you will suddenly have a new lease on life. If mental, emotional and spiritual challenges are standing in your way, they can block your progress-and undermine your health.
“Let go of toxic control, in order to regain healthy control.” ~ Kayla Rose Kotecki
Consequently…it is super important to “detox” negative thoughts, feelings, and stories you may be holding on to, because they can be so toxic to your health, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
We are all a complex biochemical structure in which every factor affects every other factor in an endless synergistic loop.
Here’s Your Solution!
I have created a special course just for you. It is delivered directly to your email inbox, in short segments, so you can easily read and apply the information. With 7 Day Detox for Superior Health and Wellness, you can transform the downward spiral of disease into an upward spiral of vibrant health. By addressing nutrition, exercise, thought patterns, movement and meditation.
1. Healing foods
So, every day you will eat delicious, nourishing, colorful foods that support your body cleansing and healing.
Foods that will rid your body or toxins and debris, help strengthen you to allow for more openness to release harmful emotions… so you will be able to feel less stress, confusion and create a feeling of joy and lightness.
2. Gentle Movement
Why is there movement in this 7 Day Detox? And what exactly are movements as opposed to exercise?
I know so many of you have a love-hate relationship with exercise, and I understand…
You know you need to move, but don’t fret…
These will be simple movements designed for you to expand your lungs, keep your circulation flowing, breathe deeply, and engage your heart.
It’s only when you feel good about what you’re doing that you will WANT to stick with this program. Movement keeps nutrients circulating throughout the body, nourishing your organs, bones, muscles, and nerves.
It is a form of self-love…it’s no accident those endorphins released by exercise leave you feeling happy and well cared for!
3. Emotional Thoughts
One of the things that sap our energy is limiting thoughts: “If someone needs help, I can’t say no.” “Nobody cares what I think.” “I’m not good at learning new things.” It is human nature to tell yourself “stories” based on experiences from the past, especially when they hurt or disappointment you.
These are toxic barriers that weigh you down, sucking energy that might be used for better things.
4. Affirmations
When you fully engage with an affirmation, you will find it begins to become true for you. It can subtly transform negative self-talk into positive and empowering truths.
Each day I will provide you a positive example. It will not be a wish or a hope, or a future possibility. “I am free” rather than “Someday I will be free” or “I want to be free.”
5. Meditation
You will meditate, taking a few minutes each day to be in solitude and silence and “reprogram” your mindset and emotions, and allow meaning and purpose to surface.
Each day’s meditation embodies the whole system allowing you to explore more deeply.
When you follow these 5 systems, this is when the Miraculous happens for you…
You’ll feel better and happier, helping you stay consistent, and the results will start magnificent.
So, less than you’d pay for lunch at a moderately priced restaurant, you’ll get an easy program with a complete shopping list, and simple recipes that you can make at home without depriving or starving your body.
You will gain access to:
A highly effective and complete 7-day Detox for Superior Health and Happiness program that will help you eliminate toxins and boost your metabolism, so you burn more fat more efficiently.
And here’s what’s really great for you…
Since my mission is to help YOU to experience OPTIMAL HEALTH in your body, mind and emotions, you will get all 5 phases of healing foods, healing movement, release of limiting thoughts, positive affirmations, meditations…
For 7 Days, you’ll ease into foods that flush out the toxins that are stored in your cells, tissues and organs.
- You’ll Eat Healing Foods: You will have a shopping list, menu suggestions, recipes for delicious healing foods. You’ll feel lightness that comes with giving your organs a break…a much-needed rest…from having to process so much food, especially if you have been eating t processed food. You’ll have 7 days of non-inflammatory foods. This gentle process will transform you physically and emotionally.
- Healing Movement: I have provided gentle effective movements to help release tension, negative thoughts and emotions. Helping you to increase mobility and over all body conditioning.
- Emotional Thoughts: Leaning how to manifest your inner truth and express yourself authentically and make choices that align with who you are. Knowing and speaking your truth is a very challenging process, but incredibly worthwhile.
- Affirmations: Over the years of dealing with my own health and that of others, I have seen again and again how important it is to be true to yourself in all areas of your life. If you cannot say no to the demands of others, you might find it hard to say no to the foods that don’t really serve you. The problem is not with knowing the truth but speaking the truth.
- Healing Meditation: Through meditation you’ll release and “Reprogram” your mindset and emotions.
- PDF Handbook
- Shopping List
- Menu suggestions for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
- Recipes for each meal
- Audio and Videos- For each of the Five Categories
- Daily Instructions for Meditation, Movement, Affirmations and Emotional Healing
- Worksheet: Daily Progress Worksheet to help you analyze your progress.
All this for only $27!
If you’re ready to get started, just click the “Buy” button below.
And if you aren’t quite ready, let me explain…
Detoxing and Re-Balancing Your Body Has Never Been THIS Good!
During this 7-Day Detox, you only eat foods that your body naturally needs to heal, so you feel better and better with more confidence as you go through each of the seven days.
You make smoothies that combine certain liquids and energy producing foods that will quickly and completely FLUSH the toxins all the way out of your body.
I understand the psychology…
That’s why I made sure you are consuming something roughly every two hours. You simply won’t have time to get have hunger pangs or cravings!
I also added delicious solid foods that are both very satisfying and stop emotional cravings. I know that if you don’t eat what your body is craving and if it doesn’t taste good… then you’re probably going to stop the detox, and that won’t help you!
The foods you’ll eat on this detox… are full of super-nutrients that bathe your cells and all your organs with the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients that you usually don’t get in any diet, even the healthiest diets.
And finally, the foods and remedies in this detox will rehydrate your body… right down to the very last cell!
With clean, combinations of fruit and vegetables to re-hydrated body, you’re going to feel a ton of energy and clarity!
So, what do you think?
Are you ready for a “new” you?
Now, all that YOU need to do is decide. No one is going to do this for you. But I know from personal experience, that if you are looking for something to make you FEEL GREAT, this is where to start.
To get started, just click the “Buy” button below. That will take you straight to a confirmation form, where you’ll enter your details, so I can send you this 7-Day Detox for Superior Health and Wellness Program instantly. That way you can get start on this amazing opportunity to Better Health and Happiness!
Just click the button below to get started…